Monday, November 14, 2011

Is a Scam? (Part 2)

Sellers Beware!
I understand that the company was probably wrong when they failed to call me before a price adjustment, but doesn’t make them scammers or their business a scam. I received payment even if it was $20 and $24 short.
Now, I also understand that the quoted price is not really the exact price that they will pay me. In any refurbishing business buying old and used devices, they use quoting to estimate the amount of money they will shell out to the seller based on the seller’s initial evaluation of their device.
If the device is described to be working fine, with no missing parts and no obvious scratches or cracks, it will be quoted a general price based on its brand and model. As for, they will base the purchasing price of a certain iPhone on several things.
But quoting doesn’t necessarily promise a seller that he or she will receive the exact amount of money by the time the device reaches the company’s facility. This is because the company will still have it checked by their elite team of technicians to ensure that the phone is still profitable or still has more profitable parts for refurbishing.
Once they find that the phone is what as the seller described, the company will pay the exact amount of the quote they have provided. But if the phone fails to meet the description, then it’s time for some price adjustments.
Sellers Beware
To avoid having price negotiations or at least have a better chance of getting paid the exact amount quoted for your device, I have devised a guideline you can use when selling to websites like
1.       Read about online selling. It is very important that you as an online seller, know the rules guiding its processes. Reading self-help articles are essential. You can also email and ask the site itself so they will answer your questions and clear any doubts.
2.       Check your device and make sure that you will take note of anything is wrong about it. Makes sure to observe the device when you are using it and make a list of its faults and other glitches. Take note of missing or non-working parts. Check if there are minor scratches on the screen or if the iPhone has problems with the software. Tip: this are the things they are very particular with when it comes to pricing your device so be very keen to details.
3.       Make sure that when you give out your assessment, everything is accurately done. They will provide a quote for your item based on the assessment you have given them. Do not overrate your assessment so you will not be disappointed by the actual price. and other refurbishment sites will surely agree that taking these steps will make online selling easier and more manageable for you. Beware of the real scammers who would not even bother to return a cent for your device.

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